As expected, control STZ-treated mice characteristically exhibited hyperphagia, polydipsia, excess weight loss and marked hyperglycaemia which were temporarily moderated during the period of insulin treatment

As expected, control STZ-treated mice characteristically exhibited hyperphagia, polydipsia, excess weight loss and marked hyperglycaemia which were temporarily moderated during the period of insulin treatment. Implantation of 1 1.1B4 cell suspensions 17-Hydroxyprogesterone or pseudoislets yielded vascularised cell masses (data MMP9 not included) which restored plasma insulin concentrations and reversed the hyperglycaemic state. tissues were collected … Continue reading As expected, control STZ-treated mice characteristically exhibited hyperphagia, polydipsia, excess weight loss and marked hyperglycaemia which were temporarily moderated during the period of insulin treatment